Haunting of Hill House · SPOILERS · Uncategorized

Spoiler Post: #HauntingofHillHouse

My friends hated the ending. Which cracks me up because I thought the ending was great. The dad was such a passive member of the family. You can tell he wasn’t a take-charge guy. So for the show to end the way that it did I liked it because he made a decision and this is the second time we saw him make such a decision the first time was when he saved the children from his wife (the house) and again when he made the bargain with his wife.

So sad.

I said the ending was bittersweet but let’s go through the seasons reveals.

Nell is the Bent Neck Lady. Wow. When this was revealed it was one of those things that made me think “ugh! I should have figured that out” but how could I have known the house defies time and can reach into the past. That was wild and I thought we were done with the reveals.

Shirley cheated on her husband.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not belittling infidelity but we learned this around the time Luke was in trouble. I did not care about Shirley’s marriage!

I understood Theo’s issue but her timing was way off. I just didn’t get why it went on for as long as it did. We could have done without it I think.

Abigal was real. I actually gasped at this. And I instantly remembered the Dudley’s saying “our first girl”.  That was heartbreaking and I’m sorry but is that really how it looks when you’re dying from poison because the child actresses face when she was acting like she was being poisoned made me laugh a little. Like her mom was offset saying, “ok honey pretend you’re choking like you’ve seen in the cartoons”.

I was also just genuinely mortified I couldn’t decide what to do with myself.

Shirley’s husband taking the money. Girl, where she did think the money was coming from? Magic? I think Shirley was the most pissed about the book and I get why but she never checked to see how anyone else felt about the book. She told them how to feel and they were just…sure Shirley.  While the husband was making secret calls to Steve for those checks.

Counting isn’t hard, lol.

My friends, my good friends, hated the ending, I think they wanted it more wrapped up than what it was but with it being such a loose adaptation I couldn’t see a way out of it. Luke tried to burn the house down.

I guess the evil in the house makes it flame retardant?

I did like the visual aesthetic of the mold. It was so invasive and I think this is the first time we’ve seen mold as a representation of evil in a visual work anyway. Usually, it’s sulfur or ectoplasm that’s a byproduct of evil. I liked that representation because mold can really eff you up. It’s akin to cancer for a house.

I think one of my favorite shots were these, the one when he drives away and the other when he’s looking at his babies but they’re adults but to HIM they’re his babies. He still remembers them the way they were.

You can’t appreciate that until you’re older and I can’t even imagine what it would be like as an actual parent.

My HOPES for a second season would be to save the Crains but maybe it was never the author’s intention for that to happen?

I was sure Luke was done for and I don’t know why I wanted so much for this character. Because his mother died so young? Because he was traumatized at a young age? Because he’s kind? Kind people don’t do well in the world. You have to be a little cynic you have to be a little mean, you have to be a little harder to survive.

Hugh sacrificed himself and then passed the mantle to Steve lol.

Steve is trash – I can’t get into my issues with him right now.  Steve is the Zach Morris of the family and I’m not kidding.

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