life · Uncategorized

Scheduling is Hard

I thought I was doing the best I could to fill all my obligations, but it takes me a really long time to get anything done.  I’ve stopped writing new material altogether which SUCKS!  That’s why I started journaling more and sticking to writing this blog more.  My family and I moved to West Virginia from Philadelphia in 2010 in 2011 I got my first full-time job.  For a short while, I was working two jobs so the time that I had to write got pushed to the side.

I don’t want to say the time disappeared.  Time doesn’t vanish.  Other things took it’s place.  But I’m pretty confident I can get back on track.  I was in and out of work a lot (temporary positions are stressful) and a lot of people think you’re off of work, you have time to do all the things you wanted to do.

No, that is hilariously false.

When you’re stressed about how you’re going to pay your bills, remain healthy and keep a clean house you sleep longer and it’s hard to keep a regular schedule.  I’m not saying it’s impossible but to jump back into things you’re passionate about is hard when you’re either sad or stressed.  Nothing clicks.

I’ve started a new job with a decent shift I need my body to adjust to and now I can try to fit all the things I plan to do into a fulfilling day.

Most people go to work and they go home they either watch tv or play video games all evening.

When I get home from work I need to cook, clean, I want to put exercise into that mix as well since my metabolism has slowed a little bit (more on this later).  I’m excited for this new shift and I hope they allow me to keep it.  Coming home by 4 and not 5:30 is great.  There’s less traffic so I get home sooner, I have more time in the evening to myself once everything is done.  I’ve only had one full solid week so next week I will mold a better schedule come next week.

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